Coleman Goughary

United States

Coleman Goughary (aka Grander Gestures) is a composer, producer and DJ based in Pine Mountain Club, California. Coleman has lived in Southern California for 12 years where he composes contemporary classical music, produces indie songs and DJs underground club tunes biweekly on ÆFFECT - an internet video stream he has co-hosted since 2010. An accomplished pianist and guitarist, Cole was born and raised in northern New York state where he spent years in various musical ensembles. In 2008, he received a B.S. Dual Major in Multimedia Studies and Music Technology from Northeastern University in Boston, where he was also Music Director of the NU Bassix acapella group. While in Boston and Cali, he was also the Director of Business Development and co-owner of Together Festival from 2011-2019. These days his interests lay in composing for screen, stage, and installation. Forever an ardent supporter of climate justice, human rights and nature preservation initiatives, his work firmly sits in the romantic realm, with much emphasis on interesting harmonies and rich orchestrated textures to create subtle, slow-burn beauty and sense of place. @colemangoughary @grandergestures @djcodiac @aeffectradio @antispaceorg (? ? credit on profile content: @ianjayfilms, @skinvsmetal, @christianbarker)