"As I observe the current state of our world, it becomes increasingly clear to me that we are collectively spiraling into chaos. From the rampant lies that permeate our societies to the pervasive cheating and thievery that seem to define our interactions, trust has become a rare commodity. Yet, we make the conscious choice to appoint leaders who, by virtue of their positions, should embody integrity and set a commendable example. Instead, we find ourselves ruled by individuals who behave not as statesmen but as temperamental children, throwing tantrums when circumstances don't align with their desires. The alarming truth is that their reckless behavior wields the potential to wield catastrophic consequences, as they possess the power to unleash destruction on a grand scale.
In light of this urgent reality, I believe it is imperative that we reassess our leadership structure. The political systems in place across the globe are failing us, teetering on the edge of moral bankruptcy and systemic collapse. The time has come for us to envision an entirely new framework—one that prioritizes accountability, transparency, and genuine service to humanity. If we aspire to create a world where our children can thrive, we must collectively rally together to dismantle the corrupt regimes that lead us toward oblivion. It is only through this decisive action that we can reclaim our agency and forge a future worth fighting for." Erik Leviathan.