“A Tyrant Crying in Private,” Thomas Powers’ much anticipated, genre-defying debut LP. A departure from his previous work, the album is introspective, minimalistic, and cinematic. Classically-infused, the record ebbs and flows from confessional indie to sparse electronica. Melancholy strings slice through precise, modern productions, leaving the listener wondering if they’ve walked out of a film. Clear and vulnerable, Powers details his earnest journey to adulthood. A perfectionist emerging from the studio and opening his notebook for all to see. He tempts the likes of Julien Baker (Boygenius), Chelsea Jade, Rob Moose, and Now, Now to round out the album, a nod to his inherently collaborative process. Long considered the mastermind behind anything he touches, Powers is finally stepping out from behind the curtain. His debut positions him centersage, breathing life into an airless, electronic soundscape that cannot be ignored.
Available for pre-order on an exclusive single jacket 12" black vinyl which includes an 8-page booklet.