Sarah Manesse - The Mirage


Side A
Sarah Manesse
Sarah Manesse
Sarah Manesse
Little Flame
Sarah Manesse
Side B
His Wife And Me
Sarah Manesse
I Love A Clown
Sarah Manesse
Sarah Manesse


  • Artist : Sarah Manesse
  • Format : 1 x 12" (140g)
  • CountryFrance
  • GenresIndie Rock
  • Estimated shipping dateDelivery within 2 to 7 days


Why "The Mirage"?

We want love. So. Bad. We need it to survive.
I see it like in a desert. So desperate for water. We see a fountain in the horizon.
We run to it. It looks so perfect and beautiful. It’s exactly what we wished for.
But the closer we get, the more blurry it gets. And when we try to touch it, it’s gone.
That’s how I experience love.
Like a mirage.
The moment I think it’s real, it disappears without logical explanations.
But it was there a second ago, in front of me.
At least I try to convince myself that it was.
Because now that it’s gone, does that means that it never existed?
Was it all in my head?
I realized that I always needed a mirage in my head. Like sugar in my tea.
It grows each day a little bit more until the point where it controls my thoughts and makes me believe that it’s the best thing in the world.
Yes, I’m a believer. And each time I fall into the illusion.
But like Michel Legrand said: “L’illusion de l’amour n’est pas l’amour trouvé » *.
I wish one day, my next mirage is not gonna be a mirage, it’s gonna stay.
Until then, let me tell you some of my mirage stories.
Some of them were so fast, it lasted the time of a dance. Some of them became ugly. But one of them was so real that he made himself disappear. Because it’s easier to be fake nowadays, and it was just too hard to be that real, and that beautiful.
We all saw a mirage once in our lives. Maybe we ARE the mirage of someone else.
So pay attention:
Stay a little bit longer, be real, be true.

  • ”The illusion of love is not found love”.
Sarah Manesse

Sarah Manesse est une artiste multidisciplinaire dont les œuvres transcendent les frontières traditionnelles de l'art contemporain. S'illustrant dans divers domaines tels que la peinture, la sculpture et la performance, elle explore les thèmes de l'identité, de la mémoire et des émotions humaines à travers des formes et des textures audacieuses. Son travail, empreint d'une sensibilité profonde, invite le spectateur à une introspection personnelle et à une redéfinition des réalités qui l'entourent. Au fil des années, elle s'est forgé une place unique dans le paysage artistique, offrant un regard novateur sur les enjeux sociaux et culturels.

Sarah Manesse is a multidisciplinary artist whose works transcend the traditional boundaries of contemporary art. Excelling in various fields such as painting, sculpture, and performance, she explores themes of identity, memory, and human emotions through bold forms and textures. Her work, imbued with deep sensitivity, invites the viewer to engage in personal introspection and redefine the realities around them. Over the years, she has carved out a unique place in the art world, offering a fresh perspective on social and cultural issues.