Charles Mingus - Essential Works 1955 - 1959


Side A
Boogie Stop Shuffle
Charles Mingus
Better Git It In Your Soul
Charles Mingus
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
Charles Mingus
Self-Portrait in Three Colors
Charles Mingus
Side B
Pithecanthropus Erectus
New York, January 30, 1956. The Charles Mingus Jazz Workshop : Jackie McLean (as), J. R. Monterose (ts), Mal Waldron (p), Charles Mingus (b), Willie Jones (d), from the album Pithecanthropus Erectus (1956)
New York, February 5, 1959. Charles Mingus : John Handy, Jackie McLean (as), Booker Ervin (ts), Pepper Adams (bs), Jimmy Knepper, Willie Dennis (tb), Horace Parlan/Mal Waldron (p), Charles Mingus (b), Dannie Richmond (d), from the album Blues and Roots (1
Tijuana Gift Shop
July 18 & August 6, 1957. Charles Mingus : Clarence Shaw (tp), Curtis Porter (as), Jimmy Knepper (tb), Bill Triglia (p), Charles Mingus (b), Frank Dunlop (d), from the album Tijuana Moods (1957)
Side C
Nostalgia In Times Square
New York, January 16, 1959, Booker Ervin (ts), John Handy (as), Richard Wyands (p), Charles Mingus (b), Dannie Richmond (d), from the movie Shadows, from the album Jazz Portraits / Mingus in Wonderland (1959)
Jump Monk
New York, December 23, 1955. Charles Mingus : George Barrow (ts), Eddie Bert (tb), Mal Waldron (p), Charles Mingus (b), Willie Jones (d), from the album Mingus at the Bohemia (1956)
Side D
Dizzy Moods
July 18 & August 6, 1957. Charles Mingus : Clarence Shaw (tp), Curtis Porter (as), Jimmy Knepper (tb), Bill Triglia (p), Charles Mingus (b), Frank Dunlop (d), from the album Tijuana Moods (1957)
Haitian Fight Song
New York, March 12, 1957. The Charles Mingus Jazz Workshop : Curtis Porter, Shafi Hadi (as), Jimmy Knepper (tb), Wade Legge (p), Charles Mingus (b), Dannie Richmond (d), from the album The Clown (1957)
Profile of Jackie
New York, January 30, 1956. The Charles Mingus Jazz Workshop : Jackie McLean (as), J. R. Monterose (ts), Mal Waldron (p), Charles Mingus (b), Willie Jones (d), from the album Pithecanthropus Erectus (1956)



CHARLES MINGUS (1922 – 1979)

At the end of the Fifties, hard bop was something else looking for a way out. The inexorable cycle of avant-garde trends needed renewal. These were years when both sides of the Atlantic saw wide-reaching deconstruction in philosophy, painting and music. Everything that seemed to belong to a healthy, normal, established order was seen with the most scrupulous scepticism. In the history of art, successive pivotal years have always had an artificial aspect while at the same time they have revealed the state of an art that would define a new aesthetic. 1913… 1922 … 1959 … The Shape of Jazz to Come, Kind of Blue, Time Out, Ah Um … When creative minds decoded the structures of an art that was current, it was time to discover new ones. Charles Mingus was one of those who deconstructed, a creator and inventor who marked out a path for the other artists to come. The pieces gathered in this album bear witness to his creative abilities and also to his outrageousness. Each of them connects hard bop with the jazz of the Sixties. Jazz beyond the norm, as was his own temperament.

A la fin des années cinquante, le hard bop, lui aussi cherche une porte de sortie. Le cycle des avant-gardes inexorablement a besoin de nouveau. De part et d’autre de l’Atlantique, on déconstruit beaucoup à la fin des années cinquante, en philosophie, en peinture, en musique. Tout ce qui paraît établi, sain et normal doit être regardé avec le plus scrupuleux scepticisme. 1959 est une année charnière, et Charles Mingus y participe largement avec son album Ah Um. La succession, dans l’histoire de l’art, des années charnières a toujours un aspect artificiel et en même temps révèle un état de l’art qui définit toujours une nouvelle esthétique. 1913… 1922 … 1959 … The Shape of Jazz to Come, Kind of Blue, Time Out, Ah Um … Lorsque les esprits créateurs ont décodé les structures de l’art en cours, il est temps d’en découvrir de nouvelles. Charles Mingus fait partie de la catégorie des déconstructeurs, des créateurs et des inventeurs qui balisent le chemin pour les artistes à venir. Les œuvres réunies dans cet album sont les témoins de sa capacité créatrice et de sa démesure, elles sont le trait d’union entre le hard-bop et le jazz des années soixante. Un jazz hors norme, à la mesure de son tempérament.