Apollo 71 was created five years ago by three high school classmates : Thibault Fontaine, Charles Gaudion and Lucas Glastra (aka Fantomas)
After years of playing tributes and covers, Apollo 71 created their first own project : SATURN V.
A 3 songs (+1 bonus track) EP taking its inspirations through 70's progressive rock, trip-hop, flamenco and electronic music.
With multiple references to Air, Zero 7, Pink Floyd, The Alan Parsons Project or French 79, Apollo 71 has managed to generate a singular and unique sound.
Instrumental shiny and heavy songs entirely self-produced, from the recording to the mixing/recording made by Lucas Glastra.
Instrumental band from Paris flying through sounds from 70's progressive rock to electronic music and to trip-hop. Its first project SATURN V is now available on limited clear vinyl !