Louis Armstrong is one of the most important jazz musicians. He belongs to those who transformed the local music scene born in the Southern States of the United States - around New Orleans -, into an international language. It was in the 1920s, in Chicago, that he recorded his first records with His Hot Five and His Hot Seven. His personality and his natural enthusiasm, combined with his talent as a trumpet player and singer, helped him pave his way to success. He traveled the United States with his orchestra throughout the 1930s and the 1940s, and appeared on television sets from all around the world throughout the 1950s and the 1960s. In five decades, Armstrong's music had evolved into jazz music, then known as a familiar universal language, popular on five continents. The four sides of this double album revive the history of jazz, from "Muskrat Ramble" to "Hello Dolly".
Louis Armstrong, né en 1901 à La Nouvelle-Orléans, est l'une des figures les plus emblématiques de l'histoire du jazz. Avec sa voix unique et son talent incomparable de trompettiste, il a non seulement révolutionné la musique jazz, mais a également transcendé les barrières raciales et culturelles de son époque. Surnommé "Satchmo" ou "Pops", Armstrong a laissé un héritage musical indélébile, influençant des générations d'artistes et captivant des publics du monde entier avec des morceaux intemporels tels que What a Wonderful World et La Vie en rose. Son style innovant, alliant virtuosité et émotion, continue de résonner dans la musique d'aujourd'hui.
Louis Armstrong, born in 1901 in New Orleans, is one of the most iconic figures in jazz history. With his distinctive voice and unparalleled trumpet skills, he not only revolutionized jazz music but also broke down racial and cultural barriers of his time. Nicknamed "Satchmo" or "Pops," Armstrong left an indelible musical legacy, influencing generations of artists and captivating audiences worldwide with timeless pieces like What a Wonderful World and La Vie en rose. His innovative style, blending virtuosity with deep emotion, continues to resonate in today’s music.