Osunlade presents Racially Charged featuring philly's own scholar and speaker of our time, Rich Medina and newcomer Aturah, a poet and writer hailing from St Louis. Here we bring into focus the reality of the racial tensions and affects of todays world especially that of the USA. Two stories are the setting for this release but not out of the norm in what we see and experience as people of color. Rich offers "The Sickness" featuring backing vocals by Osunlade & piano by Yoruba Soul's Jesse Gannon. Along with a rare b side instrumental. Aturah's "They Say" tells the true story of Danye Jones, yet another sad story of police brutality experienced amongst black men in America. Including a remix from Yoruba newcomer and 1/2 of po-lar-i-ty, Burlie Mac This ones not for the faint at heart but we are challenging and making no excuses for our rage! This project produced by Osunlade and mastered by Atjazz promises truth and a message warranted and some foot stompin all at once. We hope you enjoy and support this release!