Create Your CassetteFast. Easy.

Offer your fans a retro item to allow them to consume your music in a different way: the audio cassette.
Audio Tape
Best quality

The Best Quality at the Best Price

We offer a wide range of printing options to customize your audio cassette. Digital loop bin duplication is preferred over tape-to-tape duplication to achieve the best possible quality. Our production times are among the most competitive in the market, averaging around 15 days.

Customizable to the fullest extent.

We offer a wide range of colors for your cassettes and hundreds of options for the cases. From digital printing to vintage original printing, and even cassette printing... everything is possible! Contact us to receive the list of our options.

Personalize to the fullest extent
Tape Mastering

Cassette Format Mastering

When mastering your music for cassette format, it is crucial to avoid using compression during the tape production. Below are some essential details for mastering your tracks for cassette format: 44.1 kHz 16-bit signed PCM - this is the lossless codec for entering the duplication system. Pulse Code Modulation (CD audio) format.

We collaborate with multiple studios to provide a mastering solution for the artists we work with. Entrust us with the mastering of your tracks in cassette format to save time in the realization of your project!

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