Tyler Matthew Oyer

United States

Over the last 10 years Tyler Matthew Oyer has become an internationally recognized visual and performing artist known for their theatrical, campy, goth-pop performances. Their songs are inspired by the work and ideas of political artists and writers such as David Wojnarowicz, bell hooks, Jose Esteban Muñoz, Genesis P-Orridge, Kembra Pfahler and Silvia Federici. TMO’s songs call for social change; the destruction of patriarchal rule in favor of femme, queer, anti-violent, unconventional or maladjusted alterities. Their musical aesthetics combine performance art-spoken-word incantation with their training in opera and classical voice. Their performances are born from the radical legacies of Kenneth Anger, Peaches, Klaus Nomi, Ron Athey and Diamanda Galas.