

In a world that rewards novelty, the artists that endure display a relentless capacity for evolution. Brothers Barton and Hayden Strom have been playing the wanton reinvention game since the late nineties, morphing between dissociative minimal techno, emotive trance, floor-destroying chug -gery and frank psychedelia. Regardless of BPM or groove, the result somehow always sounds like Antix. A steady heartbeat runs through their music, syncing them to the Antipodean doof community, to their musical roots (from choral music to the nineties hip hop they spun on their parents’ Technics 1200) and to each other. With twenty-five years’ experience, genre boundaries melt away until all that persists is that human pulse. The brothers’ promiscuous musical approach has taken their sound to influential labels (Iboga Records, Flow, Bedrock, Toolroom, Spiral Trax), to clubs and to massive festivals across five continent (through both DJ sets and live performances). Having learned their craft on sequencers and Digital Audio Tapes, Antix now take their pick of classic and breaking technology, fusing the monophonic squelch of their beloved SH-101 with the precision of digital VSTs. 2024 will see the release of their fifth album on heavyweight Iboga Records, marking a quarter century of musical experimentation. The ensuing tour dates will be unmissable for lovers of humanistic, spiritual dance music.
Antix - BˈAK KˈAT ,L OG
TechnoProgressive HouseMinimal Techno
30 €
162 Restants