
The contemplative, electronic pop of IDER is highlighted by the dual lead vocals of songwriters Megan Markwick and Lily Somerville, who fall in and out of unison and harmonies. Meeting on Falmouth University’s Popular Music course in 2012, Megan Markwick and Lily Somerville’s first collaborations were folk songs inspired by Joni Mitchell and Fleetwood Mac. A 2016 move to London didn’t incite a rethink so much as expose all the possibilities suddenly at the pair’s disposal. Now also drawing inspiration from the likes of Lapsley, Ibeyi and The Japanese House, IDER first introduced their typically spare, melancholy tone with the single 'Sorry' in 2016. IDER went on to self-release a string of singles before partnering with independent label Aesop for their acclaimed 2017 EP, 'Gut Me Like an Animal'. Eventually signing to Glassnote records, the band went on to record their debut album 'Emotional Education', released in 2019 to widespread critical acclaim. 2021 sees IDER reclaimed full independence over their artistry, which has allowed for a real evolution in their musicianship. With their forthcoming second album 'shame', Markwick and Somerville have deconstructed palatable, marketable notions that had them billed as another “pop duo”, and in finally having total control of their craft, have created the best body of work of their career.
IDER - shame
Indie PopLo-FiAlternative